Class with a Cold: Tips for when you’re sick at school

What season comes right after the Holiday Season? That’s right! Cold and Flu season! I’ve seen so many people on campus in the past week or so who are feeling under the weather, and even caught a cold myself. Everyone gets them, so we tend to make light of the utter agony that is the common cold, to say nothing about bigger sicknesses like flu (ugh!). Especially at college, missing class can mean falling behind really quickly, but going to class sick is usually not the best option.

So to help you through this sneezy, drowsy, dizzy season, here are my tips for handling your cold with class!


Tip #1: Stock up on the essentials

When you start feeling a little under the weather, make sure you take the time to stock up on the things you’ll need: tissues, tea or juice, lots of fresh fruit and veggies and cold medicine! At home, we normally have these things laying around from the last time someone was sick, but when you’re away at school it’s up to you! Go out and get them now while you still have the energy! Don’t get caught in a big snotty sneeze without a tissue!

Tip #2: Take some time for you

i'm sick

We know there are always a billion things to do on campus, especially at FSU. Spending the night in can feel like missing out (a terrible fate for those of us with FOMO!). But staying in and resting is normally the best way to get better. Let your body rest, and then catch up with all the fun when you’re feeling 100%.

Tip #3: Use your Health and Wellness Center!

When you know your sick, make an appointment at your health center. You can find out how to make an appointment at FSU on the Health Services website. The doctors there can help you figure out if what you have is just a cold, or if it might be something more. They can also write perscriptions if necessary, and provide a “verification of visit”, which can come in handy if you’re professor asks for documentation when you miss class.

there is no medicine for what I have

Tip #4: Keep your germs to yourself!

If you live on campus or with a roommate, if you decide to go to class while sick, or if you visit university offices while sick, it’s very important to take measures not to infect others! Be considerate and keep any used tissues to yourself until you find a trash can. After class or using a computer in the computer lab, wipe down the surfaces you touched with a disinfectant or antibacterial spray. Someone else will use it later, and you don’t want to spread your germs! And maybe, just for a few days, hold off on the handshakes or hugs?


Tip #5: Eat healthy foods!

When your sick and sad, it can be tempting to fall back into your favorite comfort foods ( I may or may not have had a Lucy & Leo’s cupcake last night to make me feel better…) but those foods tend to be high in sugars, dairy, salt, and other things that aren’t necessarily nourishing our bodies. Instead, stop by the campus dining halls and get some nourishing soup, and fruits and veggies that will help boost your immune system. And maybe eat an apple for desert instead of one of those delicious cookies, just until you’re feeling better!


Remember, it’s hard to do your best work if you’re not feeling your best, so make time to take care of your health first!

For more resources about health and wellness on campus, check out FSU’s University Health Services and the wellness services available through campus recreation.

Do you have tips for other students? Share how you stay well in comments, or tweet me @ChemCompSciADV

Class with a Cold: Tips for when you’re sick at school